Thing 21: The Final Thing—Art, yet again

You can afford to purchase amazing and unique art from living artists. Yes, you. If you are reading this I guarantee you that it is true. Art can be an investment at any budget but don’t let news stories about Picasso and Basquiat works selling for millions of dollars at auction make you feel like your only options are blank walls or Pottery Barn. 

When you buy a piece of art you are purchasing so much more than something for your walls or shelves; you are investing in the creative economy and the decades of experience that went into creating that piece. It’s a feeling, it’s a vibe…it’s everything. I wrote about local printmakers and clay artists from past years, but get on Google or Instagram and find an artist to support. Jason in New Jersey gets a piece from my collection that I think he’ll really like but he can choose another one if he doesn’t.

Thing 20: Ticket to Ride App

Let me clarify something by saying that despite my nerd pedigree, I am not really a board game person. There are a few I like a lot, and I will always try new things, but so often board games are like woodworking: the set-up and rule learning takes an egregious amount of time and I am ready for a new activity by the time the game is going to begin. One of the games I like is Ticket to Ride…mostly because it is about trains. And the app is a spectacular way to play. 

Now I will clarify something else: the app is a spectacular way to play but it is not a spectacular app; it is a little glitchy and if you get logged out god help you, but the hard parts about playing a board game are solved by the digital version. Plus, you can play with friends and strangers around the world, as I did every Friday night for over a year. It’s not a free game but it really is worth the $6.99 on the App store or Google Play. If you have a tablet, I highly recommend using it to play over a phone if you can. Stephanie in SF gets a gifted version of the app and also has gets to play with me!!!

Thing 19: A Whiskey Decanter

You decant wine to enhance flavor and separate sediment and whatnot. I don’t think there are flavor reasons to put whiskey in a decanter but it looks so cool. If you want to feel like you’re fabulously wealthy or an extra in Mad Men, get a decanter and fill it with whiskey. In my case, I also buy my everyday bourbon from Costco so the smaller, cuter container is a bonus for easy pouring, plus I feel classy and rich.

You probably shouldn’t store your brown liquor of choice in the decanter endlessly due to a less intensive seal than a bottle provided by the distiller. But once it is out and on display, you will *want* to pour yourself a drink more often, so that problem sort of solves itself. Georgia in NYC gets a decanter and glass set to add some elegance to her drinking game.

Thing 18: Foam Roller

Like so many things on Twitter (and even more so, Tumblr), a 2020 tweet (that did not go viral) had a screenshot shared to Instagram (where it did go viral, before trickling down to FWD:fwd:Fwd Facebook I’m sure). It reads: 

By the time you hit your 30s you should be really aggressive about convincing people to buy one of the following:

  • an air fryer 
  • an insta pot
  • a humidifier
  • a weighted blanket

I humbly introduce the foam roller to this list (though I am not the first). I originally purchased a foam roller for my legs because I run. But woooo boy! Do I love it. Foam rolling can help relieve muscle tightness, soreness, and inflammation, and increase your joint range of motion. Add it to your warm-up or cooldown. Soreness down, flexibility up, relaxation on max. 

Personally, I use a textured foam roller, but I would not start fresh with one (higher learning curve, very easy to bruise yourself on it). Wirecutter (no longer on strike) has a great overview of foam rollers and some great exercises too. Niharika in San Francisco has one of their recommendations coming her way!

Thing 17: Savage X Fenty Loungewear

I didn’t know I needed a hunter green sweatshirt onesie with a gold zipper until I bought it. But I absolutely did and I think you probably do too. Savage X Fenty is Rihanna’s lingerie company and if you are interested in that sort of thing, definitely check it out. But today’s thing is the loungewear. 

Lounge pants, leggings, satin smoking jackets, robes, and more: add some sophistication and sexy to your at home chill game with a little Rihanna-inspired comfort. About two years ago, I signed up for the Xtra VIP program. This gives you access to special products and lower rates but also means I have a recurring calendar item on the first of the month reminding me to skip a delivery unless I want a $49.95 credit (you can skip at any time between the 1st and 5th of the month). It’s a rebill program but if I am going to let anyone iscam me with a rebill program, it is gonna be Rihanna (I mean did you see her in Ocean’s 8?!) But the skipping is honestly really easy.

Lizzy in Brooklyn also gets a hunter green Forever Savage Showgirl Hooded Onesie and we will probably take some photos while holding giant candy canes like they are matching Christas pajamas.